2022_StreamDSP sFPDP 17.1 IP Core Update Notice > News & Event

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2022_StreamDSP sFPDP 17.1 IP Core Update Notice

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,018회 작성일 22-04-28 17:30


Product Update Notice
sFPDP (VITA 17.1) Release 7.1 now available!  This release adds support for Xilinx Versal ACAP and Intel Agilex FPGA device families. This release introduces unique entity names to allow for easier integration into designs with other StreamDSP IP cores, and also corrects a problem in UltraScale and UltraScale+ example GT's where the "Keep Idle" feature was enabled which will cause problems linking with single-idle encoded streams. 
Contact us at sales@streamdsp.com or visit us at www.streamdsp.com for more information.

Release 7.1 supports the following FPGA families...

Altera / Intel
  • Cyclone-IV GX
  • Cyclone-V GX
  • Cyclone-10 GX
  • Stratix-II GX
  • Stratix-IV GX
  • Stratix-V GX
  • Stratix-10
  • Arria-GX
  • Arria-II GX/GZ
  • Arria-V GX
  • Arria-10 GX
  • Agilex F-Tile
  • Zynq-7000 GTP/GTX
  • Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoc/RFSoC
  • Artix-7
  • Kintex-7
  • Kintex UltraScale
  • Kintex UltraScale+
  • Virtex-4 FX
  • Virtex-5 LXT/FXT
  • Virtex-6 LXT
  • Virtex-7 GTX/GTH
  • Virtex UltraScale
  • Virtex UltraScale+
  • Versal ACAP
  • Igloo 2
  • SmartFusion
  • PolarFire
If you are a current sFPDP (VITA 17.1) customer with an active maintenance agreement and wish to receive this new update, please let me know. 


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